Linux Tutorials

Fedora DNF update issues with Google-Chrome

I have been having a hard time trying to update Fedora22 and came across a known bug What happens is when DNF fails on a transaction it aborts the update and remove alls the downloaded files, aka if you just downloaded 720updates at 1.1GB and one of them has a transaction failure then when you go to try the update again it will re-download the files. The recommendation was to modify the dnf.conf file…

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Linux Tutorials

Fedora 22 Beta initial thoughts

So I downloaded Fedora 22 beta upon release and decided to install it on my Aienware which has been having problems with some drivers under earlier releases. I am also keen to see the new UI change and improvements to Gnome integrations (Self Confessed Gnome FanGirl). Not to much I did different then a base install, I partitioned my drives to mount / and /home in separate partitions. The main reason behind doing this is…

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“Recently in the work I was doing for the FireFoxOS support team I drew up a series of reports based on infographs. I really love them as a way of displaying information to all levels within a company and all types of people. I found this site that has some great templates for infographs. They are not that hard to create and this site shows some easy to use templates 😀“

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Teach the Web Mozilla Online Course

I have signed up to participate in the “Teach the Web: a Mozilla Open Online Collaboration for Webmaker mentors” this will run from the 2nd of May until the 30th of June.  My main reaon for wanting to participate in the course is to build up my mentoring skill set, learn some new Mozilla tools and to preapre fot he Maker Party 2013. I want to run one in Sydney this year. If you are…

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Linux Tutorials

AlienWare and Linux Drivers

This year I purchased an AlienWare MX14… I have waited for one for along time and well this one is lovely… dual hard drives one 32GB SSD and another 1TB SATA drive… Two Video Cards… 32GB of RAM capacity… Three Monitor plugs yes I said three, HDMI, VGA, Mini Display Port… anyways drooling time over and to get to the nitty gritty… I love Linux (shock there right) and whilst I was happy to have…

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