Linux Tutorials

Ubuntu files on Windows 10

Where does Ubuntu File system live? After you install the Ubuntu package on Windows 10 it is not that easy to locate where the file system is living. The subsystem acts differently to a traditional virtual machine where you can control locations upon initial config. But because it is a subsystem the integration with Windows and the filesystem is seamless and takes alot of the pain out of setting up a virtual machine and way…

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Linux Tutorials

Virtual Sites – Apache Ubuntu Windows 10

Apache is up and running. Now we need to set-up multiple sites (virtual hosts) on Apache2. Below we walk through a baseline vhost file and set-up. Edit the apache config file, I am a huge fan of nano, but you can easily use vim or another. If you new to text editors in Linux Nano is a nice simple easy to use interface Add the below lines to the bottom of the conf file. For…

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Linux Conf Australia Sydney 2018

So after over a decade, LinuxConf came back to Sydney. The week started as usual with the two days of mini-confs. This time I attended the Open Source Bioinformatics and the Open Education mini-confs. I was quite impressed with both of them and they had a good level of attendee participation. The endnote for the Open Source Bioinformatics talk was a gentleman who put an Opal Card reader into his hand ABC news article Opal card…

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Linux Tutorials

Fedora DNF update issues with Google-Chrome

I have been having a hard time trying to update Fedora22 and came across a known bug What happens is when DNF fails on a transaction it aborts the update and remove alls the downloaded files, aka if you just downloaded 720updates at 1.1GB and one of them has a transaction failure then when you go to try the update again it will re-download the files. The recommendation was to modify the dnf.conf file…

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Linux Tutorials

Fedora 22 Beta initial thoughts

So I downloaded Fedora 22 beta upon release and decided to install it on my Aienware which has been having problems with some drivers under earlier releases. I am also keen to see the new UI change and improvements to Gnome integrations (Self Confessed Gnome FanGirl). Not to much I did different then a base install, I partitioned my drives to mount / and /home in separate partitions. The main reason behind doing this is…

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