

So after years of living vicariously through Paul Fenwicks and many others of my friends tweets streams around OSCON time, as I was in Portland why not attend and well yeah for being able to teach at Kids Day. There is not much to say here but I saw so many of my long time Open Source pals, meet a ton of new ones and also got to hear and partake in discussions with some…

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Mozilla – Portland

“So I relocated across to Portland and started working on the User Advocacy team for FireFoxOS Support. My main tasks where to help bring some technical expertise to the team to help them build a set of tools for their reporting. My time with Mozilla in Portland was short and during that time I got to get a lot achieved with a main achievement leading the push to have non english content translated. This…

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OpenSource Bridge

“Open Source Bridge was a fantastic conference and I would say the premier grass roots Open Source Conference in America. IT is what you expect from a Grass Roots conference, it is full of amazing community leaders. The conference is run in a very unconf type of fashion with the first three days scheduled talks and then a day of unconf. There where breakout rooms provided where people could just unwind and relax this also…

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Journalism equals Opinon vs Sensationalism vs Fact

“ Journalism justifies its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgarist. ”  — Oscar Wilde There has been alot of discussions in my house recently about Sensationalism vs Fact. The recent Australian Elections had set a new landscape for Australian media I feel. We went to the lowest points I have seen. Now I am a factual person and I love Data Science and crunching numbers… Nothing was being reported…

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MozFest London 2013

So I made it down to Ravensbourne for MozFest Opening night, it was set-up like a mini maker faire across two floors. There was tables laid out with different hacks, displays and information about the companies/people/technologies that will be showcased and played with during the festival. Mozilla also provided nibbles and drinks for the evening which was a great touch after a long train ride from Glasgow. If you have never been to a Moz…

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