
Child Fund Australia – Connect

Connecting Children across countries

Recently started working with Raul Caceres on a new project for Child Fund. I will be helping out on the Drupal 6 theme building. I am excited about this project as it is connecting children between Australian and Vietnam via way of online community and video sharing.

The project will be build using Drupal 6 on Linux, Apache, Mysql. The set date for launch is July 2011. I will be working on the project when required on the months leading up. Looking forward to posting a link when the site has finally launched as it is looking great.

Some interesting Drupal things I have learnt on this project;

When you use garland as an admin theme people can access the admin links on your admin pages. This is the default behavior so if you want to use a separate admin theme please use something other then garland.

Skinr module enables higher flexibility then block theme and is also compatible with internationalisation and locale.

When Skinr is used with Fusion Core you can really build a project that will then be able to be maintained without continued ongoing development. It has enabled me to develop a sub theme using fusion core starter lite, adding additional regions and theming the background and main site elements. Then the other content on the site is built using skinr css classes.

There are fixes for earlier internet explorer editions for handling CSS3, I have not tried all of them however the shadow fix works a treat.